¡Feliz Viernes! Os quiero ir presentando a las foltys que me van a echar una mano con la tienda online, que ya mismito estará lista. Empezamos por nuestra particular repartidora de noticias, foltys vs the newsletter.
Happy Friday! I want to introduce the foltys that will lend a hand with the online shop, which will be ready really soon. We start with our particular deliverer of news, foltys vs the newsletter.
Happy Friday! I want to introduce the foltys that will lend a hand with the online shop, which will be ready really soon. We start with our particular deliverer of news, foltys vs the newsletter.
Inspirada en los "paper boys" de los años 50 que repartían los periódicos pregonando los titulares, con estética vintage. Lleva un sombrero marrón a juego con su falda que combina con su camisa vaquera de cuello y puños blancos.
Inspired by the "paper boys" from the 50s who delivered newspapers announcing the headlines, with vintage look. She wears a brown hat matching her skirt that perfectly combine with her denim shirt with white collar and cuffs.

Inspired by the "paper boys" from the 50s who delivered newspapers announcing the headlines, with vintage look. She wears a brown hat matching her skirt that perfectly combine with her denim shirt with white collar and cuffs.

Será la encargada de informar de las novedades, ofertas imperdibles, sorteos, colaboraciones, noticias de interés... Ella es especialmente curiosa y no se le escapa nada, va un paso por delante, por eso ¿quién mejor que ella para encargarse de la newsletter? Pero no os preocupeis que no va a ser un acoso y derribo de emails, solo lo que es importante y no quiere que te pierdas y cuando quieras te borra de su lista de contactos y no te molesta mas ;)
Will be responsible for spreading the news, hot offers, raffles, collaborations, interesting news ... She is particularly curious and does not miss anything, goes one step ahead, so who better than her to take over the newsletter? But do not worry it will not be a siege and demolition of emails, only what is important and do not want you to miss it. At anytime she can delete your contact from her address book and she will not bother you anymore, only if you want ;)
Will be responsible for spreading the news, hot offers, raffles, collaborations, interesting news ... She is particularly curious and does not miss anything, goes one step ahead, so who better than her to take over the newsletter? But do not worry it will not be a siege and demolition of emails, only what is important and do not want you to miss it. At anytime she can delete your contact from her address book and she will not bother you anymore, only if you want ;)
Ella no lleva zapatos, ¡va en patines! para ir super rápido por el taller y no perderse nada de lo que está por venir.
She does not wear shoes, goes on skates! to go super fast through the workshop and not miss anything of what is to come.
She does not wear shoes, goes on skates! to go super fast through the workshop and not miss anything of what is to come.
Although she does like me to say, she is a little gossip and snitch, but nothing annoying or unhealthy. She does it for you all, to keep you up to date with our news.

Ya sabéis, si queréis estar al tanto de todo lo que ocurre por aquí esta es vuestra foltys. Está metiendo prisa para ponerse en contacto y empezar a contar todas las novedades, ¿os había comentado que también es impaciente? Con este equipo no me da tiempo a dormirme en los laureles ;) Así que muy prontito estará haciendo lo de las suyas, ¡mandar emails con cosas bonitas!
You know, if you want to be aware of everything happening around here this is your foltys. It is hurrying to contact and start telling all the news, did I say that she is also impatient? With this team I have no time to rest ;) So very soon be doing what she does best, send emails with lovely things!
Como sois muy listas, os habréis dado cuenta que esta es una de las foltys de la imágen de fondo y portada de las redes sociales. ¿Veis lo bien acompañada que esta nuestra foltys vs the newsletter? Si quereís conocer primero a alguna de las foltys que la acompañan podéis decirlo en los comentarios, y la más solicitada será la siguiente. Tenéis hasta el jueves, el viernes presentaré a otra foltys del equipo.
As you are very clever, you have realized that this is one of the foltys from the cover image. Our foltys vs the newsletter is really well accompanied isn't she? If you want to meet any of them in particular you can add a comment with your request, the one with more votes will be next. You have until Thursday, on Friday I introduce another member of the team.
Besitos! xxx!
ResponderEliminarCasi tanto como tu collar de libélula. Verlo y amor a primera vista ;)