Hoy desvelamos a la segunda de las foltys halloweeneras que va disfrazada de la bruja del Oeste del Mago de Oz.
Today we unveiled the second halloween foltys that is dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.
Piel verde, sombrero puntiagudo y vestida entera de negro con un vestido super divino, son los imprescindibles para ir como nuestra bruja malvada.
Green skin, couture long black dress with a black pointed hat, are the must haves to go as our wicked witch.

Hay varias versiones de porqué la bruja del Oeste tiene la piel verde. En el Mago de Oz no se explica mucho y es en películas posteriores, musicales y series de televisión donde se dan más detalles al respecto.
There are several versions of why the Wicked Witch of the West has green skin. The Wizard of Oz does not have details about her past and is explained later in movies, tv series, books and a musical.

En Wicked, el musical inspirado en una novela acerca de la bruja del Oeste, cuentan como Elphaba, el nombre de la bruja, se vuelve verde por una poción que obligan a beber a su madre como castigo por una infidelidad.
Wicked, the musical based on a novel about the Wicked Witch of the West, name her Elphaba. She turns green for a potion that her mother is forced to drink as punishment for infidelity.
En Once Upon a Time, la serie de sobre los personajes de todos los cuentos (os la recomiendo, yo la sigo y me encanta ver a los héroes y villanos de los cuentos de toda la vida, más a los villanos, para que os voy a engañar ;)) es Zelena quien da nombre a la bruja del Oeste.
In Once Upon a Time, series about the characters in every fairy tale (I recommend it, I follow and I love to see the heroes and villains of my childhood fairy tales, more villains, who I am going to cheat? ;)) is Zelena the name given to the Wicked Witch of the West.

In Once Upon a Time, series about the characters in every fairy tale (I recommend it, I follow and I love to see the heroes and villains of my childhood fairy tales, more villains, who I am going to cheat? ;)) is Zelena the name given to the Wicked Witch of the West.

En esta adaptación nuestra bruja se vuelve verde de envidia, a ella la abandonaron de pequeña porque, coincidiendo con el musical Wicked, es fruto de una infidelidad de su madre, Corina, que dejó a su hija sin dudarlo para hacerse con el reino y que su segunda hija fuera la reina (la Reina Malvada de Blancanieves)
In this adaptation our witch turns green with envy, she is left alone as a baby because, coinciding with the musical Wicked, is the result of her mother's affair, Corina, who left her daughter without hesitation to take the kingdom and her second daughter was the queen (Evil Queen from Snow White)
In this adaptation our witch turns green with envy, she is left alone as a baby because, coinciding with the musical Wicked, is the result of her mother's affair, Corina, who left her daughter without hesitation to take the kingdom and her second daughter was the queen (Evil Queen from Snow White)
Cuando Zelena se da cuenta de todo esto, poco a poco la envidia se va haciendo con ella hasta teñirle toda la piel de verde.
When Zelena realizes this, gradually the envy is growing inside her until all her skin is turned into green.
When Zelena realizes this, gradually the envy is growing inside her until all her skin is turned into green.
Me quedo con el verde de envidia, que me encantó verlo en Once Upon a Time, pero con el nombre de Elphaba que me parece mucho mejor XD ¿No es fantasía? Pues a gusto del consumidor, ¿con que versión te quedas?
I prefer green with envy, I loved it when I saw it in Once Upon a Time, but with the name of Elphaba that seems much better XD Is not fantasy? As consumer tastes, with what version do you prefer?
I prefer green with envy, I loved it when I saw it in Once Upon a Time, but with the name of Elphaba that seems much better XD Is not fantasy? As consumer tastes, with what version do you prefer?
Cuando os presenté a las terroríficas mascotas ya os hablaba de esta linda gatita, una experta en pociones de todo tipo que no le quita ojo a lo que Elphaba anda tramando. Si os habéis perdido ese post podéis ver todas las mascotas halloweeneras aquí.
When I introduced the evil pets I talked about this cute kitten, an expert on potions of all kinds, her eyes are always on what Elphaba is up to. If you've missed this post you can see all halloween pets here.
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